Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Speaking of Careers in Art Therapy

Cathy Malchiodi wrote an article called Art Therapy and Career Counseling: Strategies for Art Therapy Job Seekers

It includes a sample resume, cover letter, information about making an art therapy portfolio and other helpful ideas concerning job seeking. It is worth a look through. Follow the link. Thanks again Marygrace!


Go to Article

Curious about art therapy jobs?

Marygrace mentioned these job search sites in supervision class. Some of them are national search sites for those looking for jobs in other parts of the country.


and you can always check


Did you know?

Did you know there is a website that is all about Art Therapy Research?

Their Mission Statement: "The CATR seeks scientifically-oriented research in the field of art therapy in an effort to greatly contribute to the field. In collaborating with professionals in the field, the CATR hopes to dramatically increase the validity of art therapy by using standards, measures, and sound research within the field."


Did you know that there is website that is all about art therapy films?


The mission of EMI is:
To produce and distribute films to educate students, professionals, and the general public about the healing power of the arts.

To provide a source of information about existing films and videotapes in the expressive arts therapies.

To promote communication between arts therapists and the general public via film and videotape.

To foster the growth of therapeutic arts programs--in order to assist those in pain, to enhance personal growth, to inspire creativity, and to benefit the community and the society in which we live and grow.

To demonstrate principles of creative practice to those who can help others through the expressive arts. To help providers to offer the arts with sensitivity and respect.

To extend the healing power of the arts to human beings of all ages, from the worried well to those with disabilities and suffering, whether chronic or acute.

Expressive Media, Inc., a non-profit corporation, was formed in 1985 by Eleanor Irwin, Ph.D., RDT, TEP, a drama therapist and Judith A. Rubin, Ph.D., ATR-BC, an art therapist.

They have a list of art therapy films. Perhaps your population has a film that might be worth buying. It could be of help with thesis writing as well.

Artist Doing Art Therapy

This is a very interesting, well edited film about an artist dealing with grief and loss. The woman is articulate and narrates her healing journey through the art.

Do not pass go. Watch it.


Work shops

This is a link to the Martha K. Selig Institute. They have advanced trainings for mental health professionals. You might be interested in upcoming workshops. Networking...


Minutes of Clinical Origami

Although I am publishing notes of a meeting that has already occured, Maiko reports that they might have another event in January or February. Others are welcome to join her for the next meeting. You can email her: maikopenguin@yahoo.com

Toshiko handed out a copy of "MY House Origami Assessment" and "Enrichment
Origami Art Therapy Process/Product Assessment Form." Focus of the meeting
1. "MY House Origami Assessment"
2. "Enrichment Origami Art Therapy Process/Product Assessment Form"
Discussion about rearrangement of evaluation items according to the basic
four components of human wellbeing. There were more additions and
subtractions and total rearrangement has been discussed but we did not have
enough time to go over every item.
Attendants agreed to send toshiko the revision of 1. and 2. By the morning
of 29th, in order for her to send out revised edition before the next

Toshiko informed there are growing needs of Origami assessment in trauma
related fields and asking for an origami assessment tool and procedure.
Suggested the need of finalizing first edition as soon as possible.

Next meeting will be January 19th, Friday, same place, same time.
Main agenda for the next meeting:
1. Finalizing "MY House..." and "EOAT Process/Product Assessment Form"
2. Bring in "My House" artwork of client to check the assessment tool.
3. Name of this group
4. Looking for therapists/agencies that might interested in trying out the

Also if you know anyone who is interested in clinical use of origami, feel
free to invite them let toshiko knows in advance.

Thank you so much


Group of Clinical Origami
toshiko kobayashi

First Year Students

Are first years reading the BLOG?

You Tube Stuff

For those of you who missed the HBO documentary THIN. The part of the film that documents an art therapy session with an anorexic patient has been posted. Check it out.


Not really art therapy but shows how people with autistim can be incredible artists...


Monday, January 15, 2007

Art Therapy with Groups

Our final project for this class looks amazing. The idea was to weave it into a pattern...stay tuned....

Art Therapy Students Have Fun!

The Super Juicy Group created a mural with paper, poster board circles and origami.