Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Some of us may be seeing a lot of Superhero imagery in the artwork of our clients. In order to investigate the symbolism of the characters we need to look at the original characters. What powers do they have? How is the figure rendered by the cartoonist? Do they have enemies? What is the story of that character?

I found a website that lists superhero by country.

For example you can search by country, look under Japan and find the character "Gokou". There is a wealth of information on that character: occupation, magical class, enemies, relatives and a lot of description of the characters story and powers.

If your client was making artwork of Gokou, you could research it in order to understand it and validate it.

I am sure there are other sites out there. Post a comment if you know of other sites with Superhero information.

It might also be interesting to look up your childhood Superhero!

NYU Faculty, Christina Grosso's field of research focuses on the symbolism of the Superhero as it relates to traumatized children's projection of both ego-ideal and self-portrait. If you would like further information regarding this topic please contact Christina at


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